Note: fixed the code.
Today I made a converter (in Racket) that takes an image and returns a string to type into SourceCoder or something. (This uses the HtDP Advanced Student language, by the way.)
(require racket)
(require picturing-programs)
; (current-command-line-arguments) gets all the command-line arguments as a vector
; convert-to-format: image char char list(string) number number number number -> string
; Given an image, a char for walls, and a char
; for blanks, returns a string containing the
; data in Elv4 map format. The fourth argument
; is a list of metadata, and the last four
; define the spawnpoint.
(define (convert-to-format i w b m rx ry x y)
(letrec ([wir (/ (image-width i) 16)]
[hir (/ (image-height i) 8)]
[rl (build-list (* wir hir) (lambda (x) (quotient x wir)))]
[cl (build-list (* wir hir) (lambda (x) (remainder x wir)))])
(if (not (and (integer? wir)
(integer? hir))) (error 'convert-to-format "Image width must be divisible by 16 and height must be divisible by 8")
(format "{~a,~a\n{~a,~a,~a,~a\n~a" wir hir rx ry x y
(foldr (lambda (x y) (string-append x "\n" y)) ""
(map (lambda (x r c) (string-append (read-sector i r c w b) x))
m rl cl))))))
(define (read-sector i r c w b)
(foldr (lambda (x y) (string-append x y))
(foldr (lambda (x y) (append x y)) empty (build-list 8 (lambda (y)
(build-list 16 (lambda (x) (if (color=? 'black (get-pixel-color (+ x (* 16 c)) (+ y (* 8 r)) i)) (string w) (string b)))))))))
(display (convert-to-format . #\X #\space (make-list 36 "0000102DEFAULT ") 0 0 5 8))
If you want to have a program name containing a theta in the source code, then use "[", the character after "Z". My mapmaking times have become way easier.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
My hard labor has been nullified...
So I wrote the hex drawer X and its 16-bit counterpart Y, but my work on assembly has been to no use. A user gave me a smaller Basic version that works reasonably fast, and I can write a program that does about the same thing as X or Y.
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